June Meeting - Time for another Zoom meeting!
Unfortunately, the Environmental Services Building is still closed to groups this month. So let's get together via a Zoom meeting on Thursday, June 18th at 7 p.m.
If you are interested, send a note to tacomamqg@gmail.com and we’ll send out a link to you for the Thursday, June 18th meeting.
The meeting will start at 7 p.m., with a short guild meeting and then everyone who is interested will have a chance to share their Sew and Tell items that they have been working on. To help reduce the background sounds, we’ll mute everyone upon entry, and unmute people as they wish to talk and share. Thanks for your patience as we work through this way of meeting!
Agenda items include:
Treasurer’s report
Meeting location and socializing ideas
Block of the month
Secret sister exchange
Board positions and upcoming elections. (Send a note to LaDauna if you’d like more information and are interested in being a board member or joining one of the various committees. Descriptions for all are on the TMQG website — check them out and volunteer!)
Virtual classes?!
Anything else?
Sew and Tell
I know we are all looking forward to the day when we can once again gather safely. Until then, stay safe and healthy, and keep those creative ideas and projects going!