Co-President – Catie Bull and Rachel Keil
VP Programs/Events – Susan Perkins
VP Technology and Communications – Nannette Huber
Treasurer – Julie Arthur
Secretary – Elizabeth Bowman
President: Shall lead general and Executive Board meetings and act as agent for service in legal matters. The President may delegate meeting responsibilities, as necessary to the vice president or another officer. The President may delegate execution of documents and contracts. Serve as co‐signer with Treasurer on checks of the Guild.
Plan, organize, and preside over monthly guild meetings.
Plan, organize, and preside over quarterly board meetings.
Be a co-signer for the Guild checking account.
Assist and guide the other officers and committee chairs in fulfilling their duties.
Supervise and manage the business of the Guild.
Vice President of Events: The Vice President: In the absence of the President may conduct General Membership meetings and/or Executive Board meetings. The V.P. may assume the responsibilities of President in the event the President cannot complete the term of elected office. May oversee the review of the Guild Bylaws as necessary. Maintain a database of proposed Guild activities, including, but not limited to: meeting topics, challenges, charity projects, and social events. In conjunction with the President, plan and organize General Membership meetings and other events, including special events, guest speakers, workshops, and field trips. Serve as co‐signer with Treasurer on checks of the Guild.
Finding guest speakers approximately quarterly from the Puget Sound area who can do workshops on the weekend or trunk shows at our monthly meetings. Work with treasurer on cost and payment and promotion of events.
Finding locations for and scheduling sew-ins.
Exploring other ideas for socials.
Organizing the annual holiday party including venue and date.
Help organize the annual sewing retreat with committee.
Vice President of Education: The Vice President: In the absence of the President may conduct General Membership meetings and/or Executive Board meetings. The V.P. may assume the responsibilities of President in the event the President cannot complete the term of elected office. May oversee the review of the Guild Bylaws as necessary. Maintain a database of proposed Guild activities, including, but not limited to: meeting topics, workshops, and guest speakers. In conjunction with the President, plan and organize General Membership meetings and other events, including special events, guest speakers, workshops, and field trips. Serve as co‐signer with Treasurer on checks of the Guild.
Work with board and other committees in planning education events like demonstrations and tutorials.
Plan Sew Ins with Events VP.
Secretary: The Secretary shall record minutes during Executive Board meetings and General Membership meetings. All recorded minutes must be approved by the members of the Board before they are published on the TMQG website. Lead and facilitate meetings when the President and Vice President are unable to attend general meetings.
Attend monthly guild meetings and take minutes and photos.
Type up minutes and post on blog.
Upload photos to Guild’s google drive photo account
Write blog posts monthly re: minutes, next meeting announcements, BOM, Sew Ins and any special events or posts.
Maintain and update website including; Events calendar, Swaps, and Calendar page, Blog posts, BOM, Community quilts, General photos
Attend quarterly board meetings which includes taking minutes and posting on them on blog.
Send out emails on Mailchimp if needed RE special events.
Occasionally post photos on Instagram.
Treasurer: Maintain bookkeeping records of all funds. Disburse funds as authorized. Serve as co-signer with other authorized Officers on checks of the Guild. Make a financial statement available for the members provide a financial statement to the Executive Board. The treasurer is also responsible for filing or delegating all tax matters.
Accept checks for dues, raffle, retreat, donations.
Deposit checks at bank or by phone (Harborstone).
Update paper checkbook balance and update Google docs balance
Track multiple pages: member dues, expenses, credits, retreat, classes, raffle.
Use PayPal to move funds.
Pay bills.
Collect and maintain file of expenses and proof of income and expenses.
Treasurer Report at meeting.
Send info by email to Membership Chair.
Board Meeting for all Board Members.