September's BOM
This month's Block of the Month is from a pattern called "Girly Swirls", in teal, orange and white. The tutorial can be found here:
Color inspiration for September's Block of the Month
Here are the cutting instructions for one block, to make it easier for everyone to do. (The pattern gives you directions for the whole quilt.)
For each block, cut:
· 4 white squares at 3 1/ 2 inches
· 6 white squares at 3 7/8 inches.
· 4 orange (or teal) squares at 3 7/8 inches
· 2 teal (or orange) squares at 3 7/8 inches (the opposite color of the 4 squares) ie: if you’re using orange for the star, use teal for the corners.
Assemble per the directions, substituting white where the directions call for grey, and orange or teal for the coral or purple.
See you on September 15th!